Private testnet


We assume that you have both witness_node and cli_wallet already compliled (or downloaded from the offical respository).

Folder structure

Create a new folder (we will refer to it as [Testnet-Home]) in any location you like and copy witness_node and cli_wallet there. The [Testnet-Home] folder will contain all files and folders related to the testnet.

Open a Command Prompt window and switch the current directory to [Testnet-Home].

Create a genesis file

The genesis file defines the initial state of the network.
For our testnet we need to have a unique blockchain id and thus we need to create a new genesis file as blockchain id is derived from this file.
We create a new genesis json file named my-genesis.json by running this command:

witness_node --create-genesis-json my-genesis.json

The my-genesis.json file will be created in the [Testnet-Home] folder.
Once this task is done, the witness node will terminate on its own.

Edit the genesis file

If you want to customize the network's initial state, edit the newly created my-genesis.json file. This allows you to control things such as:

  • The accounts that exist at genesis, their names and public keys
  • Assets and their initial distribution (including core asset)
  • The initial values of chain parameters (including fees)
  • The account / signing keys of the init witnesses (or in fact any account at all).

Get the blockchain id

The blockchain id is a hash of the genesis state. All transaction signatures are only valid for a single blockchain id. So editing the genesis file will change your blockchain id, and make you unable to sync with all existing chains (unless one of them has exactly the same genesis file you do).

Run this command:

witness_node --data-dir data --genesis-json my-genesis.json

... and when a message like this shows up:

3501235ms th_a main.cpp:165 main] Started witness node on a chain with 0 blocks.
3501235ms th_a main.cpp:166 main] Chain ID is 8b7bd36a146a03d0e5d0a971e286098f41230b209d96f92465cd62bd64294824

... it means the initialization is complete.
Use ctrl-c to close the witness node.

As a result, you should get two items:

  • A directory named data has been created with a file named config.ini located in it.
  • Your blockchain id is now known - it's displayed in the message above.

Note that your blockchain id will be different than the one used in the above example. Copy this id somewhere as you will be needing it later on.

Edit the config file

Open the [Testnet-Home]/data/config.ini file in your favorite text editor, and set the following settings, uncommenting them if necessary:

rpc-endpoint =  
genesis-json = my-genesis.json  
enable-stale-production = true

Also, locate this entry in the config.ini file:

# ID of witness controlled by this node (e.g. "1.6.5", quotes are required, may specify multiple times)

... and add the following entries:

witness-id = "1.6.1"
witness-id = "1.6.2"
witness-id = "1.6.3"
witness-id = "1.6.4"
witness-id = "1.6.5"
witness-id = "1.6.6"
witness-id = "1.6.7"
witness-id = "1.6.8"
witness-id = "1.6.9"
witness-id = "1.6.10"
witness-id = "1.6.11"

The above list authorizes the witness node to produce blocks on behalf of the listed witness ids. Normally each witness would be on a different node, but for the purpose of this private testnet, we will start out with all witnesses signing blocks on a single node.
The private keys for all those witness ids (needed to sign blocks) are already supplied in the config.ini file:

# Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] (may specify multiple times)
private-key = ["BTS6MRyA...T5GDW5CV","5KQwrPb...tP79zkvFD3"]

Start block production

This is the crucial moment - you are about to produce the very first blocks of your private blockchain.
Just run the witness node with this command:

witness_node --data-dir data

... and your block production should start at this stage. You should see this big message:

*                              *
*   ------- NEW CHAIN ------   *
*   - Welcome to Graphene! -   *
*   ------------------------   *
*                              *

... and subseqently further messages indicating the successfull creation of blocks:

2322793ms th_a  main.cpp:176     main    ] Started witness node on a chain with 0 blocks.
2322794ms th_a  main.cpp:177     main    ] Chain ID is 8b7bd36a146a03d0e5d0a971e286098f41230b209d96f92465cd62bd64294824
2324613ms th_a  witness.cpp:185  block_production_loo ] Generated block #1 with timestamp 2016-01-21T22:38:40 at time 2016-01-21T22:38:40
2325604ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2342604ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2343609ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2344604ms th_a  witness.cpp:185  block_production_loo ] Generated block #2 with timestamp 2016-01-21T22:39:00 at time 2016-01-21T22:39:00
2345605ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2349616ms th_a  witness.cpp:185  block_production_loo ] Generated block #3 with timestamp 2016-01-21T22:39:05 at time 2016-01-21T22:39:05
2350602ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2353612ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2354605ms th_a  witness.cpp:185  block_production_loo ] Generated block #4 with timestamp 2016-01-21T22:39:10 at time 2016-01-21T22:39:10
2355609ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived
2356609ms th_a  witness.cpp:194  block_production_loo ] Not producing block because slot has not yet arrived

Run the CLI

We are now ready to connect the CLI to your testnet witness node.
Keep your witness node running and in another Command Prompt window run this command:

cli_wallet --wallet-file=my-wallet.json --chain-id 8b7bd36a146a03d0e5d0a971e286098f41230b209d96f92465cd62bd64294824 --server-rpc-endpoint=ws://

Make sure to replace the above blockchain id 8b7bd36a...4294824 with your own blockchain id. The blockchain id passed to the CLI needs to match the id generated and used by the witness node.

If you get the set_password prompt, it means your CLI has successfully conected to the testnet witness node.

Create a new wallet

Fist you need to create a new password for your wallet. This password is used to encrypt all the private keys in the wallet. For this tutorial we will use the password supersecret but obviously you are free to come up with your own combination of letters and numbers.
Use this command to create the password:

>>> set_password supersecret

Now you can unlock the newly created wallet:

unlock supersecret

Gain access to the genesis stake

In Graphene, balances are contained in accounts. To import an account into your wallet, all you need to know its name and its private key.
We will now import into the wallet an account called nathan using the import_key command:

import_key nathan 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3

Note that nathan happens to be the account name defined in the genesis file. If you had edited your my-genesies.json file just after it was created, you could have put a different name there. Also, note that 5KQwrPbwdL...P79zkvFD3 is the private key defined in the config.ini file.

Now we have the private key imported into the wallet but still no funds assocciated with it. Funds are stored in genesis balance objects. These funds can be claimed, with no fee, using the import_balance command:

import_balance nathan ["5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3"] true

As a result, we have one account (named nathan) imported into the wallet and this account is well funded with BTS as we have claimed the funds stored in the genesis file.
You can view this account by using this command:

get_account nathan

...and its balance by using this command:

list_account_balances nathan

Create another account

We will now create another account (named alpha) so that we can transfer funds back and forth between nathan and alpha.

Creating a new account is always done by using an existing account - we need it because someone (i.e. the registrar) has to fund the registration fee.
Also, there is the requirement for the registrar account to have a lifetime member (LTM) status. Therefore we need to upgrade the account nathan to LTM, before we can proceed with creating other accounts.
To upgrade to LTM, use the upgrade_account command:

upgrade_account nathan true

Due to a known caching issue, you need to restart the CLI at this stage as otherwise it will not be aware of nathan having been upgraded. Stop the CLI by pressing ctrl-c and start it again by using exactly the same command as before, i.e.

cli_wallet --wallet-file=my-wallet.json --chain-id 8b7bd36a146a03d0e5d0a971e286098f41230b209d96f92465cd62bd64294824 --server-rpc-endpoint=ws://

Verify that nathan has now a LTM status:

get_account nathan

In the response, next to membership_expiration_date you should see 1969-12-31T23:59:59. If you get 1970-01-01T00:00:00 something is wrong and nathan has not been successfully upgraded.

We can now register an account by using nathan as registrar. But first we need to get hold of the public key for the new account. We do it by using the suggest_brain_key command:


And the resposne should be something similar to this:

  "wif_priv_key": "5JDh3XmHK8CDaQSxQZHh5PUV3zwzG68uVcrTfmg9yQ9idNisYnE",
  "pub_key": "BTS78CuY47Vds2nfw2t88ckjTaggPkw16tLhcmg4ReVx1WPr1zRL5"

So in this example:

  • the public key is BTS78CuY47V...WPr1zRL5
  • the private key is 5JDh3XmH...9idNisYnE
  • and let's assume our new account will be called alpha

Copy those keys as we will need them soon.

Your public and private keys will obviously be different (as the result of the suggest_brain_key comamnd is random) so make sure you use those. Also, you are free to choose any other name different from alpha.

The register_account command allows you to register an account using only a public key.

register_account alpha BTS78CuY47Vds2nfw2t88ckjTaggPkw16tLhcmg4ReVx1WPr1zRL5 BTS78CuY47Vds2nfw2t88ckjTaggPkw16tLhcmg4ReVx1WPr1zRL5 nathan nathan 0 true

Make sure you replace BTS78CuY4...WPr1zRL5 with your version of it.

The new account has been created but it's not in your wallet at this stage. We need to import it using the import_key command and alpha's private key:

import_key alpha 5JDh3XmHK8CDaQSxQZHh5PUV3zwzG68uVcrTfmg9yQ9idNisYnE

Make sure you replace 5JDh3XmH...9idNisYnE with your version of it.

Transfer funds between accounts

As a final step, we will transfer some money from nathan to alpha. For that we use the transfer command:

transfer nathan alpha 2000000000 BTS "here is some cash" true

The text here is some cash is an arbitrary memo you can attatch to a transfer. If you don't need it, just use "" instead.

And now you can verify that alpha has indeed received the money:

list_account_balances alpha