Interfacing with a Command Line Interface


  • We assume that you have both witness_node and cli_wallet already compliled (or downloaded from the offical respository).

  • We assume that you have active private keys for two existing accounts and at least one of them has some funds. Please refer to FAQs if you are not sure how to retrieve private keys from the GUI.

Run the witness node

To run the witness node use this command:

witness_node --rpc-endpoint

Run the CLI

To run the CLI use this command:

cli_wallet --server-rpc-endpoint=ws://

Create a new wallet

First you need to create a new password for your wallet. This password is used to encrypt all the private keys in the wallet. For this tutorial we will use the password supersecret but obviously you are free to come up with your own combination of letters and numbers.
Use this command to create the password:

>>> set_password supersecret

Now you can unlock the newly created wallet:

unlock supersecret

Import the private keys

We will now import your existing accounts into our wallet.
Let's assume one of your accounts is this:

  • its name is nathan
  • its private key is 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3

And the other one is this:

  • its name is alpha
  • its private key is 5JDh3XmHK8CDaQSxQZHh5PUV3zwzG68uVcrTfmg9yQ9idNisYnE

Use this command to import your accounts:

import_key nathan 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
import_key alpha 5JDh3XmHK8CDaQSxQZHh5PUV3zwzG68uVcrTfmg9yQ9idNisYnE

You can view these accounts by using this command:

get_account nathan
get_account alpha

...and their balance by using this command:

list_account_balances nathan
list_account_balances alpha

Transfer funds between accounts

We will now transfer some money from nathan to alpha (assuming there are some funds on nathan). For transferring funds we use the transfer command:

transfer nathan alpha 20000000 BTS "here is some cash" true

The text here is some cash is an arbitrary memo you can attatch to a transfer. If you don't need it, just use "" instead. Also, make sure the amount transferred is within the funds available for this account. The value 20000000 translates into 200 BTS as in case of BTS the last 5 figures are just decimal points.

And now you can verify that alpha has indeed received the money:

list_account_balances alpha

Create another account

If none of your accounts has a lifetime member (LTM) status, skip this step as you will not be able to create a new account in this situation. You can verify the LTM status of an account by running the get_account command and checking the timestamp next to the membership_expiration_date entry. If the value is 1969-12-31T23:59:59 then the account is LTM, otherwise it is not.

We will now create another account named alpha2 and assume that nathan is the account with a LTM status and it has enough funds to pay the registration fee.

Creating a new account is always done by using an existing account - we need it because someone (i.e. the registrar) has to fund the registration fee. We will use nathan for this purpose as it has the required LTM status.

First we need to get hold of the public key for the new account. We do it by using the suggest_brain_key command:


And the response should be something similar to this:

  "wif_priv_key": "5JK1HAUjCh5H7Ubc1pa8WU7ydEiPkmQjAVF3L9oYdLWBBP5v2jN",
  "pub_key": "BTS7XRAcWjD8xZKRR5u8MY34xU6tZDFVyvDthoXJ1LbtgLLft8TMu"

So in this example:

  • the public key is BTS7XRAcWjD...LbtgLLft8TMu
  • the private key is 5JK1HAUj...YdLWBBP5v2jN
  • and let's assume our new account will be called alpha2

Copy those keys as we will need them soon.

Your public and private keys will obviously be different (as the result of the suggest_brain_key comamnd is random) so make sure you use those. Also, you are free to choose any other name different from alpha2.

The register_account command allows you to register an account using only a public key.

register_account alpha2 BTS7XRAcWjD8xZKRR5u8MY34xU6tZDFVyvDthoXJ1LbtgLLft8TMu BTS7XRAcWjD8xZKRR5u8MY34xU6tZDFVyvDthoXJ1LbtgLLft8TMu nathan nathan 0 true

Make sure you replace BTS7XRAcWjD...LbtgLLft8TMu with your version of it.

The new account has been created but it's not in your wallet at this stage. We need to import it using the import_key command and alpha2's private key:

import_key alpha2 5JK1HAUjCh5H7Ubc1pa8WU7ydEiPkmQjAVF3L9oYdLWBBP5v2jN

Make sure you replace 5JK1HAUj...YdLWBBP5v2jN with your version of it.

At this stage you should have three accounts in your wallet. You can run this command to verify this:
