Creating a proposed transfer


  • We assume that you have cli_wallet running and connected to an exiting witness node.

  • We assume that you have set up a wallet in the CLI and imported the active private key of an account with some BTS funds in it. We will refer to this account as your-base-account.

  • We assume that you have already created and registered a multi-sig account with some BTS funds in it. We will refer to this account as multi-sig-account.

  • We assume that you have already created and registered an account which is meant be the recipient of the proposed transfer. We will refer to this account as destination-account.

Get account IDs

To get the account IDs of multi-sig-account and destination-account, run these commands:

get_account <multi-sig-account-name>
get_account <destination-account-name>

We will need those IDs in subsequent steps.

Initialize transaction builder

We start by initializing the transaction builder with this command:


As a response, you'll receive an ID of the builder process - let's call it <builder-handle-ID>. This ID will be used in all subsequent commands involving the transaction builder.

Add transfer to the builder

We will now define the transfer we want to propose. Our variables are as follows:

  • <multi-sig-account-ID> - the ID of multi-sig-account, e.g. 1.2.127,
  • <destination-account-ID> - the ID of destination-account, e.g. 1.2.128,
  • <transfer-amount> - the amount (in satoshi) to be sent, e.g. if you want to send BTS 14.00 use 1400000,
  • <transfer-asset-id> - the ID of the asset in which the transfer will be denominated, e.g. for BTS use 1.3.0.

Run the add_operation_to_builder_transaction command to define the proposed transfer:

add_operation_to_builder_transaction <builder-handle-ID> [0, \
{"from": "<multi-sig-account-ID>", \
"to": "<destination-account-ID>", \
"amount": {"amount": <transfer-amount>, \
"asset_id": "<transfer-asset-id>"}}]

Note that the value 0, used in the first line, is specific for the transfer_operation, which we need for this purpose.

Pay the transaction fee

To create the required transaction fee, associated with the proposed transfer, run this command:

set_fees_on_builder_transaction <builder-handle-ID> BTS

Propose the transfer

We will now define the transfer proposal itself. Our variables are as follows:

  • <your-base-account-name> - the name of your-base-account (this account will pay the fee for creating the proposal),
  • <expiry-timestamp> - the timestamp (in UTC) defining when the proposal expires, e.g. 2016-02-02T00:30:00.

Run the propose_builder_transaction2 command to define the proposal:

propose_builder_transaction2 <builder-handle-ID> <your-base-account-name> \
"<expiry-timestamp>" 0 false

You need to have access to propose_builder_transaction2 command in your CLI. As of now, using the default command (i.e. propose_builder_transaction without 2 at the end) will not succeed due to unresolved bugs.
Also, it's important not to broadcast the transaction at this stage, so make sure the broadcast flag (i.e. the last parameter) is set to false.

Pay the transaction fee

To create the required transaction fee, associated with creating the proposed itself, run this command:

set_fees_on_builder_transaction <builder-handle-ID> BTS

Sign the builder transaction

To complete the process, i.e. sign and broadcast the above builder transactions, run this command:

sign_builder_transaction <builder-handle-ID> true

If you receive no error, it means your proposed transfer has been successfully created and broadcast, and it's awaiting approval.